Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
You make them every year, but can you remember your resolutions from last year? Did you keep any of them?
BE REALISTIC - Make resolutions that you can actually achieve. You know yourself. Don't generalize, such as I will spend more time with my kids, be specific, such as I will spend 1 hour each evening with my kids, doing what they want to do. Don't make more than 3 resolutions. This year, I only have 2.
SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS - Divide each resolution into small steps. Write each step on the top of your calendar for each month. Step one for January, Step two for February, etc. You will have a better chance of reaching your goals if you have a plan written down.
YOU CAN DO IT - If you give up or forget for awhile, don't let that stop you from continuing. Set a reward for yourself at the completion of each resolution, go big, such as a Trip to Disneyland or a day at a spa!
You can keep your New Year's Resolutions if you do not forget about them.
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